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Our Governing Documents 

The Sorrento East Deed Restrictions ensure that all properties in Sorrento East are compatible in quality and appearance. Lots may be used for residential purposes only, Dwellings may be no more than two stories in height and for single family use only. Garages may provide for not less than two no more than three motor vehicles. There is a specified minimum air-conditioned living area exclusive of garage, caged lived-in areas and porches. Only specified roof materials may be used.  Other sections of the Restrictions provide for appropriate landscaping, care of properties, cleanliness, signs, animals, hedges and fences, vehicles and so forth. These are summarized below for quick reference. These restrictions insure that property values remain high, that the community is attractive and compatible. Owners, tenants and other occupants of any property are responsible for compliance.

Deed Restrictions

Quick Reference

  • Building plans, including fences or additions extending outside the home perimeter, must have prior board approval.

  • Lawns and landscaping shall be kept mowed and trimmed.

  • Excessive weeds and underbrush shall be promptly removed.

  • Trash containers, recycle bins etc. shall not be visible from Neighbors or street.

  • Roof shall be periodically cleaned to remove objectionable stains or grime.

  • Pets must be leashed or in an enclosed area.

  • Fences shall be less than 4′ except for enclosures around ACs or pool equipment which may be 6′.

  • Overnight vehicles must be parked on the driveway or inside of garage.

  • Parking on grass or lawn area is prohibited.

  • Vehicles with commercial signs shall not be parked overnight unless inside garage.

Important Reminder

Before you make any change to your property such as putting up a fence, adding a patio or swimming pool, or any other improvement that changes the outline of your home, the changes must be submitted in writing with appropriate sketches to the Chairman of the Building Plans Committee.


Articles of Incorporation

Established 1975

Incorporated as a not for profit o form a homeowners association to promote and further the interest , welfare, comfort, and health of residents and owners of property here in Sorrento East

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